Court gives convict 2-year probation

By Ousman Saidykhan

Magistrate Elizabeth Dunn of Kanifing Magistrates’ Court has handed a two-year probation to one Muhammed Bobo Jallow who was found guilty of stealing a sheep.

“He shall be released by entering into a recognizance with one adult surety who is permanently resident in The Gambia,” Mrs. Dunn says, adding that “he may be called upon to appear for conviction and sentence during the probation period.”

Muhammed Bobo Jallow is a Gambian accused of acting contrary to section 252 of the Criminal Code by killing a sheep valued at D10, 000 at Manjai Kunda on December 16 2021, belonging to one Ebrima Mbaye with intent to steal. He pleaded guilty of the charge.

“The court accordingly finds the accused guilty of the offence of stealing contrary to section 252 of Criminal Code,” Magistrate Dunn says, but after considering what she referred to as the “triviality of the surrounding circumstances,” she gave Muhammed a suspended sentence.

The young Gambian appealed for forgiveness from the court when given chance to give his plea in mitigation. “I will not do it again,” he told the court.

Muhammed told the Magistrate that he was taught lesson that he would never forget at Mile 2. ‘Poor quality of food’ and the kind of ‘beating’ the convict said he had received at the remand wing impacted negatively on his health. “If I do such thing again, even if the law says I should be killed, then let it be.”

The Magistrate emphasized that the act of which Bobo Jallow was found guilty, is felony and attracts a five-year jail term, but said there was no violence involved or any threat to life in a home of or public place.

“The court has noted that the complainant did not suffer any pecuniary or non-pecuniary lost; in that, he has willingly accepted the ram without asking for monitory compensation,” she added.

According to Magistrate Dunn, the offender who has no previous similar case was remorseful in his action, as he promised never to commit such an offence again. “The court has also considered the fact that he is a young man who has a long way to go in life, and that, he has aided the court in the speedy dispensation of justice by pleading guilty without delay, Mrs. Elizabeth says.

The Magistrate advised the Convict to keep the peace and be of good behavior.