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Shooting reported in Bwiam as Senegalese troops clashed with MFDC rebels

Terrifying residents in Bwiam yesterday reported shooting in the village as Senegalese troops clashed with Casamance rebels.

A resident told King FM Radio that Senegalese troops opened fire as they advanced toward the Gambia border with Casamance in their armoured vehicles.

“Shooting has started inside Bwiam and the Senegalese soldiers are shooting randomly and people are going to the schools for their children. As I am speaking to you now, there is shooting in Foni.” Gibba said.

“The Senegalese soldiers stationed in Bwiam opened fire and they are advancing towards Bujiga and we are afraid an attack could happen and people are terrified,” he added.

Meanwhile, a man who introduced himself as the son of Babili Mansa (Yahya Jammeh) accused the Senegalese troops of stirring a forest fire that burnt down their cashew farms.

“I am Babili Mansa’s son and I am right now in Kampant forest and between me and the main highway is about 150 kilometres. And as you can see the forest is burning and it is set in fire by Senegalese soldiers after they launched an attack on the rebels in Casamance,” the man said.

He added: “But this has now affected us seriously because our animals do not have any food left in the forest and our cashew farms where we depend on for living have all burnt now.”

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