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Sallah reacts to President Barrow’s statement on Sidia Jatta

Honourable Halifa Sallah, veteran politician, has reacted to a statement made by President Adama Barrow against Sidia Jatta, saying in his reply that it is none of his (President Barrow) responsibility to ask Honourable Sidia Jatta to retire from the upcoming April parliamentary election.

At a political rally held in Wuli, President Barrow told followers and people of the community that Sidia Jatta of PDOIS should retire from politics just as his contemporaries have done, and added “For 20 years since he become MP here, he did not bring this kind of charity. I am proud to bring this kind of charity that will make the living condition of people better.”

But Halifa Sallah an ally of Sidia reacted to President Barrow’s remarks saying: “What doubts me is what I have done in this country President Barrow has not done it, and we have seen him touring the country. And I am currently about to travel to Strasburg to attend one of ACP parliamentary assemblies, but if I return, I will examine if he has changed his style of leadership, because I can respond to him and I have the words.

“When I was supporting him, I told the public that leadership has three issues which are to be an intellectual in knowledge, have mercy for people and be upright so that you can lead a country.”

“For me, he is trying to mislead the country by telling Sidia to retire (from politics). Just look at how Kansala people are fleeing their homes because of the conflict in Casamance. President Barrow should not have time now for a tour. I don’t know how he can have time because your country (people) is fleeing their homes and you don’t have a cabinet to sit and discuss about addressing that problem. But you are going around innuendo people. Is that how the country is governed? Therefore, Gambians be careful,” he warned.

And he continued “so, if you become a president, you should behave yourself down and know that your country is not stable. You tell people good and important messages so that Gambians will come together and avoid division, but you will not be a president uttering words of belittling your fellow Gambians.

“So, no one will be little PDOIS and no one will be little Sidia Jatta because we chose him to stand for the party. Who is him to say Sidia should not stand for this assembly election when we chose him to stand for the party? That is not his responsibility,” he added.

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