AAH holds 2nd Multi stakeholders partner meeting

By: Haruna Kuyateh

Njawara Agricultural Training Centre in partnership with Action Against Hunger (AAH) with funding from European Union Green Economy Project known as Shaping sustainable Future Through Joint Actions Tuesday organized a one-day multi stakeholders partners technical working group meeting.

The objective is to increase participation of Civil Society Organizations in tackling climate change and promoting environmental sustainability, with a focus on labour intensive works in Lower, Central and Upper Badibou districts in North Bank Region.

The synergy was held at Njawara Agricultural Training Centre, North Bank Region and was attended by Disabled Association, Maize Growers, SOLICITA Marketing Federation, institutions and NGOs.

Alpha Sey Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at Njawara Agricultural Training Centre under the Green Economy Project described the stakeholders’ partnership program as key in the overall project implementation.

He said the training will help institutions to streamline and work with communities to sustain ongoing interventions after the life span of the project.

The project focuses in three resource areas which include climate smart and resilient building, School Garden and Livestock to enhance socio economic transformation.

However, 10 Lower Basic Schools are beneficiaries and they were provide with necessary fencing materials including 3,800 poly bags to raise tree nurseries and also training for garden masters. The scheme aimed to expose students on climate smart agriculture and inculcate the important of tree planting and caring.

As part of efforts to the protection of forest resources, the project distributed 1100 improved cooking stoves to 12 communities to enhance their resilient building.

Mr Sey disclosed that the project has fulfilled its commitment in providing all materials and tools to communities to established community central tree nurseries while he expressed concerned on low level of community commitment.

Sustainable livelihoods for local communities (especially women and youth) are strengthened through promotion of income diversification opportunities like energy saving stoves and sand bricks and production and transformation of forestry product (non- timber).

The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer used the occasion to inform stakeholders on the current status of the project and solicited for more collaboration towards the attainment of the project objectives.

He informed them that ALTANI FUND provided support to 50 disabled members each with 4 goats and plan are underway to provide them with micro tables to start vegetable garden under their veranda.

Karamo K Kinteh Field Staff at NATC calls for closer collaboration and networking in transforming lives of the population.

John Mendy Regional Agricultural Director for NBR thanked Action Against Hunger and Njawara Agricultural Training Centre for complementing the efforts of Department of Agriculture on food production and restoration of forest cover.

Alhagie Jawara Regional Community Development Officer, Sherif Kanyi Education Officer at Regional Education Directorate Region 3, Salif Bayo, president of Disabled Association among others made remarks at the training.