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Teaching Fraternity embraces my Ministerial appointment

By Lamin B. Darboe

Information Officer, PMO

The newly appointed Minister of Public Service, Administrative, Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery (MoPSARPCD) has appreciated everyone.

According to him, when his named was announced by the Government Spokesperson on State TV as a Minister for the newly created sector, he said, teachers and the entire leadership of The Gambia Teacher’s Union (GTU) embraced his ministerial appointment with an open arm.

“The first man to call me was my former boss, Mr. Omar J. Ndure followed by teachers, my GTUCCU staff, while other people were also sending messages on social media embracing my new appointment,” Minister Joof disclosed.

“I thought as the news of my appointment broke-out in town, the teaching fraternity will say no we can’t lose you, but instead they embraced me because they also saw the reason why President Barrow appointed me as new minister,” he divulged.

If there is a national call which teaching fraternity are part of, Minister Joof explained, hewill accept it in good faith while thanking the teaching fraternity and all those who have called him or sent him messages to congratulate him for the appointment.

Minister Joof said it is going to be difficult for him to leave GTUCCU after being with the co-operative work for many years. He recalled that for the past 26 years, he has dedicated his life to co-operative development in the country. Thus the impact has been felt in his very little humble way he did for teachers.

He said his appointment might be part of the success he registered at the Gambia Teachers’ Union Co-operative Credit Union (GTUCCU) for the past years.

“I also believe that President Barrow followed my work at GTUCCU during his last five years in power or before, that was why he felt it necessary to appoint me as a Minister,” he thought.

He commended The Gambian leader for the trust and confidence he bestowed on him by appointing him as the new Minister responsible for Public Service, Administrative, Reforms, Policy Coordination and Delivery.

He, therefore, assured His Excellency, President Adama Barrow of his unflinching support to his government at all time.


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