Gov’t accepts to integrate human rights into GAF training curricula

The government of the Gambia has accepted TRRC recommendation and will review and integrate human rights into the training curricula of the Gambia Armed Forces.

“The Government accepts the recommendation of the Commission to the extent possible and will work closely with the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to ensure regular training on human rights for officials of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF).

“The Government will also take necessary steps to review and integrate or review and update where available human rights into the training curricula of the GAF. Ensure continuous appraisal of these trainings or courses to achieve understanding, compliance and implementation in simulated ‘wars and bush exercises,” the government white paper said.

“The Government accepts the recommendation of the Commission. The Government will take the necessary steps to ensure training programs and security officials are evaluated regularly to assess understanding, application, usefulness and conformity while addressing areas for improvement.

“Provide adequate training of all soldiers on the importance of respect for the Constitution and the rule of law to ensure soldiers respect the principles of constitutionality in a democracy. The Government accepts the recommendation of the Commission. Ensure accreditation of these training programmes and courses,” it added.

“The Government accepts the recommendation of the Commission. The Government will work through the GAF and the Ministry of Defence to ensure training programmes and courses of the GAF regarding human rights and the rule of law are accredited by reputable accreditation institutions. Making satisfactory completion of at least a minimum mandatory basic training in the areas mentioned above as a requirement and issue for consideration in determining promotions. The Government accepts the recommendation of the Commission.

“The Government will take necessary steps to integrate or review and update where available human rights and respect for the rule of law in the curricula of the GAF. Additionally, the Government will take necessary steps to ensure GAF officials are appraised on understanding and compliance with human rights and respect for the rule of law as a basis for promotions,” it said.