GRA Validates Custom Computerized Process Regulations

The Legal Department at the Gambia Revenue Authority (GRA) in partnership with the Clearing and Forwarding Agents and shipping agents among other key players Monday, 13th June, converged at Senegambia Beach Hotel to validate the customs computerised process regulation.

The purpose of the meeting was to enable these key players to come together and add input, suggestion recommendation and carve the way forward to enrich the draft regulations documents.

Declaring the forum open, Commissioner General of GRA, Mr Yankuba Darboe, said the regulation is the culmination of their drive to improve, standardize and digitize the customs clearance processes.

He noted that the current system, the ASYCUDA++, has several challenges and as a result more and more customs authorities around the world are embracing the more advanced and more user-friendly ASYCUDA WORD system or its equivalent. The Gambia Revenue Authority, therefore, did not want to be left behind in this digitization drive.

Among its many advantages, he pointed out that the ASYCUDA WORLD system is web based, and as such, it can be accessed from anywhere in the world because it works on desktops, laptops, and all smart devices that have reliable internet connection. It allows 24/7 online access to declaration processing; it speeds up the assessment of customs declarations and significantly reduces transaction time for payment and release of cargo.

He also added that after several setbacks and delay caused by stalled negotiations and the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASYCUDA WORLD system will be launched on 20th June 2022. “I wish to take this opportunity to thank our development partners such as the African development Bank (our primary sponsor), the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, UNCTAD and the Management and staff of GRA for making this milestone possible and for bringing this reform initiative into fruition.”

To actualize this reform process, he continued,” the necessary legal framework need to be put in place to ensure a smooth transition and to regulate the use of the system by external users. In this regard, the legal Department of the Gambia Revenue Authority has drafted the necessary regulation that is before you today for validation.”

In addition, he said the custom computerised processes regulations 2022 is made pursuant to the powers vested in the Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs under section 297 (t) of the customs and excise act. The regulation is aimed at providing a legal framework to regulate the use of the ASYCUDA WORLD system.

For his part the Commissioner of Customs, Ismaila Jallow, underscored the importance attached to this document.  He also spoke at length on the need to validate the document.