Leaders of Jambar Sanneh Commence Training on Good Governance

More than twenty community leaders drawn from Brikama Jambar Sanneh Community in West Coast Region embarked on 4-day training on UN-Habitat Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme (UN- PSUP) funded group and business management training for intervention communities.


 The training that took off on Friday 1st July 2022, at Brikama Area Council (BAC) is been implemented by the Department of Community Development and Ministry of Lands, Regional Government, and Religious Affairs. And it targeted the slum communities of Campama in Banjul, Ebo-Town, and Brikama Jambar Sanneh communities.


Pa Saikou Janneh, Physical Planning officer and West Coast Region (WCR) Focal Person for the (PSUP) project disclosed that the project aimed to enhance and empower groups living in slum areas with entrepreneurship skills. Adding it also hopes to create space for socio-economic development of the slums and in particular the country as a whole. 


The objective of the project, he stated, is to improve the knowledge and capacity for participatory improvement of living conditions of slum dwellers, slum presentation, and rehabilitation. And it will also strengthen global partnership and policy dialogue for participatory slum upgrading and provision. 


Yusupha Saidykhan, Community Development Assistant noted that the training will equip participants with skills and knowledge that will guide them to better manage their communities, adding that it will also sharpen and improve the participants’ entrepreneurship skills with the view to making them financially independent and enhance economic growth for the target communities. 


 In his welcome remarks, Modou Jonga, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Brikama Area Council (BAC) called on the participants to take the training very seriously, as it would improve the livelihood of the people of the community and as well help them to consolidate the developments registered in their community.


 BAC, Chief Administrator also urged the participants to disseminate knowledge and skills garnered from the training confab while commending the organizers for the foresight and resolve to organise such good training for dwellers of slums in the region. Other speakers include the Councillor of Suba Ward, Pa AnsuNyang, and Kaddijatou Kandeh, Community Development Officer urged participants to take the training serious.