ActionAid Juffureh Office commemorates Day of African Child

By: Haruna Kuyateh


 ActionAid International The Gambia Juffureh Office of Local Rights Program 9, on Saturday, commemorated Day African Child 2022 under the theme: Eliminating Harmful Practices Affecting Children: Progress on Policy and Practices since 2013. 

The event was held in Albreda Upper and Senior Secondary School in Upper Nuimi, North Bank Region.


Speaking at the commemoration, Cherno Saidy President of Jimbana Bolong Eco Zone thanked ActionAid for its invaluable support to the advancement and protection of children. 


 Modou Ida Bah Alkalo of Pakau Njogu who also depustised the chief of Upper Nuimi called for proper upbringing of children for their better future. He said child abuse is detrimental to the development and growth of child while he emphasized on their total protection from harmful traditional practices and any sorts of abuse.

 Saikou F Bah Program and Sponsorship Coordinator Local Rights Program 9 at Juffureh said the day was set aside to reflect on the rights and voice of children. 

He described the theme of this year celebration as a great milestone which is been taken by African Countries to end all forms of violence against children. Noting that, many countries have made formal public commitment to end harmful practices affecting children through their various national policies and planning processes.


The Alkalo as well disclosed that this period is a difficult times for children especially in the face of COVID-19 and high cost of living which has left children with minimal options to survive as some of them are unhealthy, malnourished and this impact on them has raised so many unanswered questions on the safety and well-being of children in Africa and beyond.


Mr. Bah said children in Africa are at high risk of been exploited or harm through so many means such as child labour, child marriage and corporal punishment, which are major threats in ensuring rights of children are protected. He noted that the Gambia Government and ActionAid are committed to ending corporal punishments especially in schools and homes and this with any other form of violence against children.


The LRP 9 Coordinator used the day of African Child 2022 celebration to call on countries across the continent to enact legislation that will ban all forms of harmful practices affecting children including corporal punishment.


 He advised people not to give blind eye to the realities that exist because it is evident that corporal punishment is still regarded as a norm in some societies or schools. In Africa, corporal punishment is use as a tool to nurture children but without been cognizant of the negative impact of the act. 

“The practice doesn’t only violate children’s rights to freedom but also their rights to access to education, and it has damaging effects on society as well as individual,” he stated.

Modou Leigh, Officer-In-Charge of Albreda Health Office dilated on Children and Health underscored the important roles of parents in supplement nutritional uptake of children. He said sexual abuse including FGM and forced marriage affects emotional health of children.


Matarr Ndow Cluster Monitor representing the Education Director at Region 3 said education of Children is crucial in addressing all forms of violence against children. He noted that Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) is fully committed to eradication of corporal punishment and has zero tolerance to the practice. 

He said the day of the African Child provides a platform to create awareness on the protection of children against harmful traditional practices. He, therefore, called on parents to desist from forced marriage and thanked School Management Committee and Mothers Clubs for their support to ending the practice.


Various ethnic groups from Eco Zone Cultural Groups showcase their culture and tradition, which aimed at promoting oneness among students, parents and teachers.