Ex-State House driver to contest BAC chairmanship

By Adama Makasuba

Mansa Sumareh, former presidency driver intends to run for Brikama Area Council chairmanship scheduled to officially take place in 2023.

According to him, part of his plans is to bring enormous developments, adding the region is one of the biggest is underdeveloped.

He urged the region’s electorate to discard the idea to vote for educated elites but that they should vote for people who can change their lives by bringing the right policy and developments.

“I want to reaffirm my position to contest the Brikama Area Council because God has shown me that if I contest for this seat I will get it, but it doesn’t mean that I want to take away the position of someone. I still maintain my position to contest this position and by God’s grace, I will win this position. I don’t have anyone who is supporting me, I take this decision of my will,” he said.

According to him, politics is about numbers adding “I have a larger crowd of the people because I have seen the support from both NPP and all the parties, and very soon some party leaders will endorse my candidature.”

“The council should have ensured that the youths of the West Coast Region benefit from OIC projects which are not happening. And 80% of vegetables consumed within the Greater Banjul comes from the region, but in any community now on the west coast women complain of stray animals destroying their gardens and after harvesting their products get destroyed because there is no storage facility to preserve them these garden products,” he added.

“Let no one ask me whether Mansa is educated or not but what I know is I have the quality to run that office. Because I will not get myself an office, what I will do is go to the market and the riverside and tour the communities. Almost 36 chairmen had been in Brikama Area Council but none of them has brought a development that the people of the region can praise them for. There are communities within the West Coast Region who are still stuck in the condition which has been here since 1965 and we want to stop that,” he added.