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Veteran footballers endorsed Team Kaba

Group of renowned and highly respected veteran national footballers led by legendary and longest serving National Team Captain – Baboucarr Laos, Lamin Owens and veteran broadcaster – Tijan Masanneh Ceesay paid courtesy to GFF Incumbent and aspirant – Lamin Kaba Bajo thus endorsed his candidature for the upcoming GFF Elective Congress.

Co-chairperson of the association Bubacarr Laos and Essa Faye gave a concise preamble of the association and a brief history of the national team football in The Gambia, its transformation and achievements under the current President Kaba Bajo led administration.

Various other speakers acknowledged Lamin Kaba Bajo’s contributions and impact in Gambian football since he assumed office in 2014. They congratulated him on his tremendous achievements and Gambia’s unprecedented success in continental AFCON showpiece and beyond.

Veteran broadcaster Tijan Masanneh Ceesay, one of the most reliable chroniclers of Gambian football – commended the veteran footballers and highlighted their spontaneous sacrifice and immense contributions toward The Gambia and Gambian football, he described their time (late 70s to 80s) as the golden generation of Gambia Football.

In comparison, Mr. Ceesay believes the veterans were better players compared to the current generation – but he believes Gambia’s recent success in continental football is undoubtedly due to proper organisation in terms of administration compared to before.

He therefore implored on President Bajo to continue the tremendous work, strengthen the relationship with veterans thus deliver more successes for Gambian football.

Executive Committee Members of Honourable Bajo’s administration, Mr. Ebou Faye – 2nd President of Gambia Football Federation and Ismaila Ceesay – President of Gambia School Football Association thanked the veterans for their invaluable contributions to Gambia Football and promised them of Team Kaba’s continued support to Gambia Veteran Footballers Association through Kaba’s new initiative of Football Veterans Welfare Fund.

President Lamin Kaba Bajo joined his fellow team members to thank the veterans thus assure them of his unflinching and continuous support towards their association and Gambian football. He affirmed his concern for the veteran footballers and highlighted the “Football Veterans Welfare Fund” as outlined in the Final Manifesto.

The veterans unanimously thanked President Kaba for the laudable initiative and vowed to campaign for his re-election.

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