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SOS Graduates urged to set career plans for a clear path

By Betty Ceesay


The recently graduated students of the SOS Herman Gmeiner Senior Secondary School have been advised to set career plans concerning their talents to ensure a clear path to achieve their dreams.


Speaking at the graduation ceremony organised by the school authority to honour their outgoing students, the guest speaker, Ajie Rohey Bah, a former student of the school emphasized the importance of the students knowing exactly what they are good at as this can be discerned through a thorough self-assessment.


Madam Bah was one of the school’s most outstanding students in her time. She represented the school in many debates and won the ambassador’s award three times and was able to bring the trophy home. She is known as one of the Gambia’s most eloquent female debaters, she is currently a private legal practitioner at Gomez Law Chambers.


Continuing speaking at the ceremony, she said not having a career plan may lead them to fall back at some point. But knowing what they truly love and setting their career plans accordingly, will not only save them from falling back but would help them take the right steps that will lead them to where they want to find themselves in the future.


She comforted the students saying that it is fine to feel anxious and scared to face the real world but it will be fine because she’s certain of the nurturing SOS has offered them throughout their journey which she believes is enough to take them through.


Madam Bah went further and urged them to make sure they work hard to horn the name of the school to higher heights.


Mr. Louis Gomez, Principal of the School said the students were well groomed to stand out wherever they find themselves. He said this was achieved through excellent teaching and learning processes which also include the interdependent conferences conducted to ensure that students are sure of their field of study.


On major challenges, the principal pointed out issues about maintenance, saying it has been uneasy, especially with the classroom roofs and other requirements for comfort and easy learning. He added that despite those challenges they were able to fix most of them.


Accounting for the school’s performance, the principal announced that there have been only 25% realization on grades relating to E8 and F9 in 2021 compared to previous years, and A1, B2, B3, C4, and C5 scores have increased to 56% compared to previous years. An achievement he appreciated by all the stakeholders.


Yama Colley, the outgoing head girl won prizes for the Best Students in Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. Other leading prize holders include Matty Jobe and Ramatoulie Sawanneh.


The ceremony was lightened up by Dance, drama, and poetry as entertainment for the guests.

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