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GAMRUPA Provides over D700K Support to 11 Young Entrepreneurs to Start Business

A total of eleven young entrepreneurs have benefited from a D710, 000 grant and loan facility from Gambia Rural Poor Association (GAMRUPA) to start their business ventures in different areas.

Seven recipients out of the eleven are female who presented their business plans to venture into hair dressing, tailoring and shop among others. The grant and loan facilities was provided by GAMRUPA in partnership with Christian Jorgensen, a Danish who is a member of GAMRUPA-Gambia.

Each recipient will pay half of what they received in a year period to enable the benefactors to extend the opportunity to other young people.

National coordinator and treasurer of GAMRUPA, Kalifa Kanteh said the idea of the initiative targets to encourage youth to refrain from venturing into irregular migration by creating opportunities for them. “This is the pilot of the initiative and we hope to support another batch of young people once the first beneficiaries pay the half of what they received,” he said.

Before receiving the facilities, the eleven beneficiaries went through a seven-day business concept training provided by the Association of Farmers Education and Training (AFET).

Mr Kanteh beliefs that the support will create space for young people to explore their business talents and serve as inspiration to other young people thereby encouraging them to stay in their villages while masking good livelihood that can help them and their families.

GAMRUPA’s partner in the initiative, Christian Jorgensen said young people have great role to play in the development of The Gambia, saying the 11 beneficiaries will join a host of other young Gambians who are working hard in the entrepreneurship sector.

“It is our commitment to continue supporting young people for increased engagement into enterprises that can change their lives, their families and the country.”

Lamin Camara, chairperson of GAMRUPA assured that they will continue to support young people toward the realization of their dream targets in the fields they want to specialize in, saying no matter what challenge, they will continue to offer lending support.

Kawsu Konteh, a trainer from AFET described the initiative as a worthy cause that can encourage young people to stay in their villages and make good living thereby discouraging irregular and rural-urban migrations.

Speaking on behalf of the parents of the beneficiaries, Sona Saho emphasized the importance of skill acquisition among young people for sustainable development.

One of the beneficiaries said this is a happy moment for them because they are not only receiving the support but they were also trained on how to manage the monies given to them.

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