NYP speaker Calls on Gov’t support for Youth Leadership

By Binta Jaiteh

Omar Cham, Speaker National Youth Parliament has called on the Gambia government to support and guide the National Youth Parliament of the Gambia to strengthen its capacities and operations in the quest to provide the best leadership in the realms of young people.

Mr. Cham made this remarks at ninth inaugural parliament ceremony and the first ordinary session of the year 2022 held at the National Assembly in Banjul, where he urged the Central Government through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and National Youth Council not to let the new spirit of youth involvement in governance dies.

Cham informed the Assembly that the parliament is committed to delivering to the young people of the country a new face of the National Youth Parliament the Gambia in terms of representation, operation, and influence through what they call a reformation agenda.

According to him, it is paramount to note that the journey towards this glorious moment was not an easy one and it was marked with endless sacrifice, dedication, and perseverance as they took up the commitment to deliver to the young people of the Gambia a new face of the National Youth Parliament

“I am so much delighted to have been elected and nominated as National Youth Parliamentarians tasked with the mandate of representing the Voice of young people to our dear motherland and by this, we were able to capture a representation of each constituency in our country and maintain the gender balance and most importantly secure the inclusion and participation person with disabilities,” he said.

Assata De, the UNDP representative in the Gambia noted that young parliamentarians gathered here in this program will in the next couple of days discuss issues that are of great concern to the nation such as illicit drugs, social issues, migration climate change, education, and health and consolidated democratic governance.

She said that with the increasing demand for civic engagement, accountability, and transparency all over the world, this Youth Parliament provides a strategic opportunity to enhance the participation of young Gambians in political discourse.

She said in young democracies like the Gambia, young people play a critical role in shaping the politics and future of their country, that the youth parliament allows Gambian youth to learn about whilst engaging with their local representatives and the entire political system.

She reassured on the part of the UNDP that their doors remain open and they will continue to support the capacity strengthening of the National Assembly and the young people of the Gambia.

Ndegen Jobe, the deputy speaker of the National Youth Parliament also noted that in performing the objective and principles of youth participation and involvement in national development and decision making.