YVE to embark on national climate caravan


By: Nyima Sillah

Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE) and partners are set to embark on a nationwide climate caravan that doubles as the Banjul National Climate Caravan to meet stakeholders and indigenous groups across the country ahead of the COP27 Summit.

According to officials, the caravans will take place on different days in the West Coast Region, Central River Region, North Bank Region, Banjul City and end in Kanifing Municipal council on the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th respectively.

The Banjul Climate Caravan seeks to organize mass mobilization of citizens; key stakeholders and local communities across the country demonstrating solidarity between the climate and development movement. It aims to enable environmental activists to inform people about how everyone is affected by climate change.

Speaking to journalists on Wednesday, Mr. Bongay said: “as part of our efforts to amplify our voices, we are glad to kick start the Banjul Climate Caravan campaign, which aims to mobilize and galvanize the voices of the vulnerable communities. The Caravan is an act of unity, of collective action that makes visible the experiences and knowledge of diverse communities adapting to climate change.”

He said the Banjul caravan is to influence strategic national targets on their positions regarding adaptation, mitigation, and climate finance so that climate responses better meet the expectations of communities affected by the climate crisis.

He said there is a need to demonstrate the strength of their movement and push, while the government plays its part.

He further stated that the campaign team will organize symposiums with indigenous groups who are directly affected by climate change and regional stakeholders in all aforementioned regions to get firsthand information as to how climate change is affecting the public.

Fatou A Jeng, president of Gambia Environmental Alliance, a civil society organization that defends the rights of farmers, said the caravan helps them to get first-hand information from the grassroots.

However, she argued that: “Many farmers now get a low harvest and many people have turned homeless due to climate change.”

She, therefore, called on government and world leaders to put mechanisms in place to address the menace of climate change to protect the future generation, most especially farmers.

Fatim Janka, a youth activist described climate change as a detrimental element to the environment. She noted that no doubt climate change could affect young people in various aspects in the future.

She said this global menace will cause food insecurity, unemployment, and other challenges thereby affecting young people as future leaders.


The youth activist said the youth folk is committed to combating climate change to enhance development while calling on authorities to reinforce their efforts in fighting the global challenge.


YVE is executing the caravan tour with the Gambia Environmental Alliance. It has been funded by Oxfam International in collaboration with the Gambia Government, and the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance National Platform.