IHHNL /CHRO distributes 600 food items to flood victims in KMC

Cemiyetul Hayr Relief Organization (CHRO) Gambia in collaboration with the International Humanitarian relief Organization (IHHNL) based in the Netherlands distributed food items to 600 victims in KMC on the 21st November 2022 at the KMC clinic at buffer Zone.

Speaking at the event the Deputy Executive Director National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) Mr. Modou Sering Joof said the NDMA is the agent responsible for coordinating all the issues of disasters in the Gambia.

He also went on to disclose that this year’s flood affected over 52,000 people resulting in 5460 households and damage of properties as a result of heavy downpours to give.

According to Mr. Joof government released funds amounting to millions that were handed over to NDMA to start the intervention aspect. “If you can agree with me that to help 5460 households is not an easy task to fix some of the infrastructures that weredamaged, equally considering the 11 lives that were lost during the floods, most of them were the breadwinners of those families that made the burden more crucial for KMC.”

He, therefore, commended the IHHNL and local partner CHRO-Gambia for this benevolence gesture, “saying the food Aid will go a long way in helping some families buy rice and Oil.

For her part, the Deputy Mayor of KMC Mrs. Binta Janneh- Jallow expressed a similar sentiment and welcome the gesture. She also seized the opportunity to extol the local partners for ensuring that the most vulnerable people in our society benefit from this food Aid Package.

She also spoke extensively about the importance of these gifts, while describing the gesture as very timely. She further acknowledged the gifts and said the gesture would go a long in helping the affected Victims.

The deputy Mayor admonished the beneficiaries to make the best use of the donated food Aid as it will reduce the hardship the people are currently facing.

For his part National Director CHRO-Gambia Musa Jallow said “I am very pleased to welcome you all on the occasion of the distribution of food items to some families that were affected by this year’s flood.

“We all recalled that this year witnessed an unprecedented amount of rainfall which has not happened in the past years. The heavy rains led to numerous hazards including the destruction of homes and infrastructure as well as the loss of personal properties.

The KMC according to him was among those areas hard-hit by the devastations with many homes and properties inundated far too long sometimes causing water-borne diseases.

According to him,their organization, Cemiyetul Hyre Relief organization, like many otherorganizations was deeply concerned about the impact of the floods on people’s lives and livelihoods.

“We contacted some of our partners both here and abroad to explore ways of complementing government efforts in supporting some of the affected families. “It is on the basis of the aforesaid that our key partners, the international Humanitarian Help Netherlands (IHHNL) came to our support with food items to distribute to deserving families. “Today, over 600 households in the KMC shall benefit from this gesture as our token of contribution to address the impact of the floods,” he revealed.

Also speaking the Turkish Ambassador to The Gambia, lauded the initiatives established by IHHNL and CHRO-Gambia, while recalling the strong bilateral relationship between Turkeyand the Gambia in areas of economic and military cooperation.

The Turkish ambassador also commended IHHNL for supporting projects in the Gambia and advised them to continue the relationship. He also expressed appreciation to the management of CHRO for their collaboration and partnership with IHHNL. He said all this support is geared towards complementing government efforts in national development.