State Seeks for Adjournment in Alleged Treason Trial

By: Nicholas Bass

The state prosecutors at the Attorney General Chambers yesterday applied for an adjournment in the alleged treason trial involving three civilians and seven soldiers in order to file a bill of indictment against the alleged coup plotters who were initially charged with felony and concealment of treason before a lower court in Banjul.

The alleged coup plotters namely; Sana Fadera, Gibril Darboe, Ebrima Sano, Ebrima Baldeh, Omar M. Colley, Bakary Njai, Mbara Touray, Mustapha Jabbi, Fabakary Jawara, and Saikou Gassama were initially charged with conspiracy to commit felony and concealment to commit treason against the government of  Adama Barrow.

When the case was called before Justice Basiru VP. Mahoney, the state counsel AM Yusuf referred the court to the High Court Practice Direction 1 of 2013 paragraph 2 of the Criminal clauses which talks about the transfer of a case from the magistrate court to the High Court.

The state prosecutor Yusuf thereof pleaded to the court to file a bill of indictment in conformity with the proceedings of the High Court before the continuation of the matter.

All the accused persons have legal representation except Mbara Touray and Baboucarr Njie, prompting the state counsel to appeal to the court for the state to provide them with a lawyer.

The presiding judge, Justice Mahoney granted the prosecution’s request to file the indictment before adjourning the case to January 25th2023.

However, Counsel for the accused persons, LS. Camara raised concern over the long detention of his clients without trial since their arrest and subsequent detention at the state Central Prison at mile II after they were arraigned before a magistrate court in Banjul and requested for an amendment of a charge sheet.

Meanwhile, all the accused persons were in court yesterday except Lamin Jadama who is currently at large.