GEA urges Gov`t to create national Clean-up funds

By: Mustapha Jarju


Secretary General of the Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA) Muhammed Hydara encouraged the government to create a national clean-up fund to support local clean-up initiatives.


In an exclusive interview with The Voice Yesterday, SG Hydara said “the government should invest in infrastructure, such as the waste management system to support the monthly clean-up and educate citizens on the importance of clean-up initiative and how they can participate in ensuring a cleaner environment of our society.” 


He also said the government should establish a Network of Local Cleaning Coordinators to help coordinate and monitor clean-up efforts. 


“This new re-introduction of monthly set-setal would help to create a sense of community and responsibility among citizens, as they come together to take an action that would bring a difference to the Gambia`s environmental history. 


He continued: “The Monthly national clean-up is important for varieties of reasons because it can help in the reduction of the waste in our environment and with re-introduction of this set-setal it can lead to a healthier and more suitable environment for the future. Let all Gambians join efforts in cleaning the environment. Let`s show our commitment to a cleaner future and make our nation a better place to live.”


SG Hydara, therefore, advised the government to create an incentive for businesses to reduce waste and increase recycling, saying this could include tax breaks for companies that implement waste reduction strategies, or make subsidies for businesses that use recycled materials. 


However, he suggested that the Gambia government through the Ministry of Environment should develop a partnership with local government authorities, business owners, and, non-governmental organizations to cordially coordinate the efforts of the monthly Set-Setal which is due to begin this weekend, 28th of January 2023.