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Foni Jarrol MP Claim’s people closer to President Barrow are destroying Gambia

By: Mustapha Jarju

Hon Kebba Tumanding Sanneh, National Assembly Member for Foni Jarrol Constituency has claimed that people closer to President Adama Barrow are those that are destroying the country. 

In an interview with this medium, Hon Sanneh said he was the Director at the Abuko abattoir from 2015 until 2021 but sacked without any reason giving for his sack. “The people at the abattoir who were closer to the president decided to remove me from my position and replaced me with someone else.”

He added that because of this unfair treatment meted on him at the abattoir, the people of Foni Jarrol decided to approach him and elected him as their Member of Parliament. 

Speaking on the alleged government discrimination against people of Foni, Hon Sanneh said when Barrow`s government came into power, they believed that former President Jammeh provided everything for the people of Foni and side-lined the Foni people in everything.

“They say electricity provided to us for free, and we don’t buy rice. All these allegations meted on the Foninkas to the extent that some residents of Foni snapped their NAWEC Cash Power receipts and shared it on social media as evidence”, he stressed.  All these were forged just to punish people of Foni, it will not help. He said every village from Kombo to Basse has sympathizers of former President Jammeh and the same applies to President Barrow.

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