Brufut Diaspora Association awards Brufut youth groups

By Sainabou Sanneh

In its efforts to show appreciation to the youths of Brufut village, Brufut Diaspora Association recently held a day-long awarding of certificates to various youth groups as an appreciation for their stand towards community development which was held at Brufut Primary School.

Speaking at the event Yusupha Manneh, President of the Association said they want to give certificates individually but they have sat over it and identified youth groups that they partnered with during their projects and show them that they are aware of their partnership and are happy about it.

Saikou Jaiteh, an Executive of the BDA highlighted some of the projects of BDA stating that they engaged in pre-tree planting with the Sannehmentereng association, renovation of the Brufut clinic labor ward, fencing of the strata field and the maintenance of the road to the graveyard, these he said are their projects through “Satebakono” development association.

In recognition of some of the elders of the village for their efforts in the development of the community, Jaiteh said “Few individuals need to be recommended for their stand to see the development of the village, namely, Ba Alagie Jaiteh, late Abass Manneh, our treasurer, and many others are people who really worked for Brufut especially issues surrounding the strata field.”

President of Brufut Village Development Committee, Omar Manneh spoke highly of the members for their commitment whenever the need arises.

Meanwhile, Ma Bintou Sanneh women representative and also a VDC member saluted the association for the tremendous efforts they have been rendering to the committee for the past years.

She added: “if most of our needs are not provided, we must do something about it till we get what we want in doing. Those women should come out in numbers and speak for their voice to be heard.”