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GALGA extols CepRass on recent survey            

By Mustapha Jarju 

Gambia Association of Local Government Authorities (GALGA) extolled Centre for Policy Research Strategic Studies (CepRass) on their findings on local government authorities

CepRass with partners last year (2022) launched a project title; “Strengthening Citizens` Participation in Local Governance to Improve Transparency and Accountability”, which was set to make research studies on the local government authorities. 

Speaking at a forum recently held at NaNa Conference hall, Landing B. Sanneh the president of GALGA expressed his appreciation for the research findings which he believed will help the local government institutions to gauge the individual and collective strengths and threats of all the councils in their quest for better service delivery. 

He said   every local government authority should be answerable and accountable to their electorates for all the money they receive from tax payers. 

GALGA president also postulated that the councils service delivery should be subjected to public scrutiny by considering how the relationship between the elected officials and the people can be strengthen. 

“We call on everybody to take the findings with clear objectivity so that together we will be able to move the work of the local government to the next level, we (GALGA) will give our support to CepRass that will also give individual and collective strength,” he said. 

CepRass Acting Executive Director and the Project Coordinator, Aja Fatou Senghore observed that GALGA and other relevant institutions have fulfilled their promise to support the project study of CepRass which was launched last year. 

Madam Senghore added that in the process of their data collection they have series of engagements with relevant stakeholders, particularly the Local Government Ministry and GALGA.

“This is our first phase and we will be going for all the other councils and will be wishing to get support from relevant stakeholders, the concluded survey is an achievement for CepRass and we always look at key issues,” she stated.

She appealed to the authorities to take the findings with an open mind and use it as a possible way for intervention in their service delivery for the people they serve.

On behalf of the Minister, the Permanent  Secretary,  Ministry of Lands, Regional Government and Religious Affairs, Buba Sanyang assured the Ministry’s commitment  saying  the Ministry`s doors are open to welcome such an important engagement to assist wherever there is need. 

“Citizens have a crucial role in revenue mobilization and councils cannot run without money and therefore, it is important for us to pay our taxes to participate and hold the councils responsible,” he added.

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