Resident of Sanchaba says Councilor Camara failed as a councilor

By Mustapha Jarju

Abdoulie Taal, a resident of Sanchaba Sulay Jobe has said his wards Councilor has failed in his responsibility saying the people of Sanchaba are paying taxes with no benefits. 

In an interview with The Voice, Taal said Sanchaba Sulay Jobe has a high population but they have an incomplete hospital that remains there for so long until its roofing start linking, adding that had it been that the Councilor stands for them, it could have been constructed. 

“In Sanchaba even the waste truck doesn’t come here to collect our wastes and even if the Brikama Area Council Mballet Truck came it only carries the waste at the market. If you go to that market sometimes the amount of waste you will see there is terrible,” he claimed.

He said currently Sanchaba football field is under a problem revealing that the son of the Alkalo of Sukuta is selling the football field to some personalities, who were blocked from developing the field.”

Taal argued that the People of Sanchaba are paying their taxes but they are not seeing anything which is why the majority said they are not going to vote in this Local Government Election. 

According to him on several occasions, people used to come to make their payment to the Son of Sukuta Alkalo Pa Cham to get land in their field but they were advised by people that the area is Sanchaba Football field because they lost their first field during the time of when Yankuba Touray was a Minister. 

However, he added, since the Alkalo of Sanchaba Sulay Jobe gave them this other land for a football field they prepared a document for it and currently the youth have come together and working on fencing the football field.

“We already dig the foundation, just yesterday someone who did not want his name to be revealed donated Sand and gravel to us, and all this should be the responsibilities of the Councilors but right now we are struggling on our own,” he expressed.

He, therefore, called on the authorities to come to their aid, because the current Councilor of Sannehmentereng Ward has already killed their spirit in Councilors developmental orientation, and they have given up on Councilors representation.