SaHMA   CEO Commends Judiciary for Conviction in Human Trafficking Case

By: Nyima Sillah

Amie Jobe, Chief Executive Officer of Safe Home for Migrants Association (SaHMA) has commended the Gambia judiciary for convicting a man to 15 years jail term over human trafficking.

In an exclusive with The Voice, she highlighted that as a human Trafficking Frontline worker it was a great pleasure and elated moment for her to see a man get fifteen years jail term over trafficking.

“They said there have been a lot of cases that have been prosecuted, but this is the first time I am seeing this happening in the Gambia and we believe with the new Executive Director of National Agency against Trafficking (NATIP) there would be more prosecution and   when it comes to human trafficking issues in the Gambia.”

She stated that the conviction will send a positive signal to the public because there are lots of traffickers in the country who think that they are strong and cannot be prosecuted and are above the law but this is an example to tell them that things are changing.

She warned those involved in the business of human trafficking to desist because her office is ready to fight against traffickers any person that is a trafficker or involved in human trafficking is arrested he/she will be prosecuted.

She urged victims of human trafficking to come and speak or share their encounters with her office or the authorities, especially to report their cases to NATIP.

She revealed that there are lots of reported cases in her office including herself but still pending they are doing their best in making sure that all the cases are heard and prosecuted.