Local Gov’t elections race is not limited to UDP & NPP- NUP Youth Mobilizer

By: Nyima Sillah

Alieu Njie, National Youth Mobilizer National Unity Party (NUP) emphasized that the Local Government elections race is not only limited to United Democratic Party (UDP) and National People’s Party (NPP).

In an exclusive with this reporter, Mr. Njie said “I know when we select our candidate it is going to be very different and the race will not only be between UDP and NPP. I promise you this because the Gambians are now aware of politics and they know what is happening.”

He pointed out that other parties have done their selections and are in preparation but what is important is for the party to get the structure and NUP already has that, adding they have dozens of supporters who still have them at heart since the presidential elections.

NUP is an impressive party. He said their competitions with UDP and NPP in the previous elections are clear manifestations, but was quick to say the only constraint they have is that Gambians are carried away with big names like UDP & NPP.

 “Our party registered before the NPP is just that they have power because they are the ruling party. Gambians don’t awaken in politics but if you know you’re right and know what you want for your country, you don’t follow these parties.  People have been following them for decades and they are not coming out with anything.

“So I am sure when we come with our candidates in the forthcoming elections I promised we will come out with something. Those parties even have issues in their selection processes that is why I said we are coming with a difference and we can beat any of these parties,” Njie strongly expressed optimism. 

Njie also emphasized that the NUP political party still exists and is doing underground developments, adding people think that they are quiet, but they are not.

Meanwhile, he said the selection process and preparation are never too late and disclosed that they will host a meeting at the end of the week to finalize, noting that they are not going to be contesting in all the constituencies but the party is yet to decide on the constituencies.