NAATIP Trains CSOs on Human Trafficking

By: Nyima Sillah

The National Agency against Trafficking in Persons (NAATIP) on Monday held a day-long capacity-building training for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) on human trafficking.

The training aims to equip Civil Society Organizations with the requisite knowledge to enable them to contribute their quota as key actors in the fight against trafficking in persons.

In her opening statement, NAATIP Executive Director, Isatou Darboe, acknowledged the presence of the CSO’s saying the inclusion of Civil Society is a pre-requisite for any viable anti-trafficking strategy.

She added that every CSO present in the training has extremely generated and vested resources on anti-trafficking, partnered with other stakeholders to repatriate victims, or taken steps vigorously to get involved in the combat against trafficking.

“I strongly believe today’s practical, real-life case-based, and hands-on training will yield great results in the interest of vulnerable persons within our country.

She continued: “Through the course of the day, resource persons shall take the participants through key subject matters, ranging from the role of the National Agency against trafficking in person, the concept of trafficking in persons, identifying key indicators of trafficking and most importantly and relevant the provisions of the National Referral Mechanism.”

Executive Officer Darboe stressed that on a daily basis, every minute somewhere in the world, citizens of the country outside the Gambia and other nationals in the Gambia are subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment through forced labor or sexual exploitation. “This has to stop.”

However, Participant, Tijan Bojang, GAMCOTRAP media, and communication officer emphasized the importance of the training, noting the training is going to help their institutions since they have come across certain cases that are currently happening and they are trying to tackle them

 “We see a lot of women trafficked in the Gambia. A lot of things are happening to them which is sad but we hope a lot will come out of today’s meeting and CSOs who are present here will learn a lot, and we see how best we can tackle this situation,” he said.