Over 90 Imams in Brikama benefits from Ramadan food items

More than Ninety (90) Imams within Brikama community in the West Coast Region have benefited from the Ramadan Food Aids Package donated by Brikama Association New York. 

This year’s donation marked the sixth annual activities of the Brikama Association New York offering to the imams in Brikama. The donation was part of their association’s contribution toward supporting the imams of the community during Ramadan.

The donated food items include 112 bags of rice and 105 bags of sugar plus a D100 taxi fare refund to each recipient.

Ebrima cham, National coordinator and resident of Brikama said this is the initiative of Brikama Association New York.

He said they are Gambian living in the United States and most of them are residents of Brikama in the West Coast Region. 

Speaking at the presentation the local coordinator Ebrima Cham thanked the Almighty Allah for giving the donors the ability and good health to give back to their communities. He said the donation has come at the right time when this food item is needed.

 According to him, the donors live across seven states in America, and every year they contribute and buy food items, meant to support the imams of Brikama who have a key role to play in society.

He said the association started this gesture in 2018 and this year marked the sixth year that this project is supporting imams in Brikama. He stated that the purpose of this benevolence gesture is to supplement the food needs of the imams.

He commended the donors for the trust and confidence bestowed on him to spearhead the presentation of the food items to the beneficiaries in the Gambia which he has done on their behalf 

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Imam Ratib of Brikama Central Mosque acknowledged the gesture and prayed for the donors.