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Governors, Farmers hail MOA over the timely provision of Adequate Agricultural inputs to URR, CRR Rice Growers

The Governors of Upper River and Central River Regions, Samba Bah and Ousman Bah have hailed and acknowledged the timely intervention of President Barrow through the Central Project Coordinating Unit CPCU under the Ministry of Agriculture for the timely provision of adequate agricultural inputs to rice growers.

The provision of these inputs and land development support was a request made by farmers in URR and CRR to President Barrow during his visit to their rice field sites as a major challenge faced by farmers.

The Gambia leader as he places farming as among his top priority made a promise to address farmers’ plight and concern, which he fulfilled through the Ministry of Agriculture with a truck fully loaded with agricultural inputs, materials, and Land Development Support as well as fuel coupons for their generators.

The Governors of the two regions praised the CPCU under the Ministry of Agriculture over the weekend during a handing over of Procured Rice Production inputs, materials, and Land Development Support to URR and CRR Rice growers’ communities.

The delegation was headed by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Assan Jallow, accompanied by the Permanent Secretary Ministry of public service at the office of the President, senior Agriculture officials, and other technicians.

In receiving the inputs, the Alkali of Dampha Kunda represented by the younger brother Baba Ceesay, described the response of the ministry as a big surprise and timely for the fact that farmers are currently clearing their farms ahead of the Raining season. He further explained that farmers were encountering a lot of difficulties in terms of Inputs but with the intervention of President Barrow today, farmers are at ease as most of their concern is provided at their disposal.

 Mr. Ceesay thanked the Almighty Allah and the President for fulfilling his promise to the Gambian farmers.

Speaking on behalf of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Abdoulie Touray Project Coordinator, Central Project Coordinating Unit CPCU at the Ministry of Agriculture said this is yet another milestone to witness the handing over of these procured much-needed production inputs and materials which include spare parts for the pumping machines and fuel coupons to enhance irrigation.

He said the distribution of the items are significant achievement that stands out among all support which is the handing over ceremony of these much-needed production inputs, materials, and equipment that would have not come at a better time than now when the agriculture sector has commenced its transformation agenda of modernizing agriculture as enshrined in the NDP and reflected into the second-generation Gambia National Agriculture Investment Plan, Food and Nutrition Security GNAIP.

Mr. Touray went on to dilate a bit on the genesis of this support to the rice farming communities in both URR and CRR, saying before the intervention of the AVCDP Project, the area was virtually a virgin land full of trees and shrubs and the project was able to develop 50 HA incomplete, with 2 raining season production.

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