Accused grants D100,000 bail after plea of not guilty

By Nicholas Bass

 Muhammed Nyabally, an alleged thief who stole 11 Pro Marks Cellphone, who had pleaded not guilty before the Brusubi Magistrate Court presided over by Magistrate I Jallow Nahra was yesterday granted bail in the sum of D100,000.

At the mention of the case, the accused, Muhammed Nyabally pleaded not guilty after the charge sheet was read and interpreted to him in the language claimed to understand.

According to his charge Muhammed Nyabally on the 29th September 2022 at Old Yundum Garage Kombo North in the West Coast Region of The Gambia within the jurisdiction of this honorable court, stole a mobile phone marked 11 Pro Marks valued at 1,600 dollars equivalent to 73,600 being a property of Hawa S.O Jobe, thereby, committed an offence.

 Police prosecutor, chief Inspector K. Colley did not oppose the bail of the accused.

 The case at this juncture was adjourned to 26th July 2023 at 10:00 am for continuation.

In a similar but different sitting,  an accused, Matarr Manneh, was on Tuesday, granted bail in the sum of D100,000 after entering his plea of not guilty of assault pressed on him at the Brusubi Magistrates’ Court presided over by Magistrate I Jallow Nahra of Brusubi Magistrates’ Court.

 The accused, Matarr Manneh pleaded not guilty of biting one Salimatou Baldeh after hearing the interpretation of the charge against him in the language he understood.

 However, his charge sheet stated that Matarr Manneh on the 4th of April 2023 at Brusubi, Kombo North in the West Coast Region of the Republic of The Gambia assaulted Salimatou Baldeh by biting her left ear causing her actual bodily harm and thereby, committed an offence.

 Police prosecutor, Corporal 5147 Amang Kanyi gave the accused Matarr Manneh the green light to be granted bail, noting that it was a bailable offence.

 “The accused Matarr Manneh is hereby granted a bail of D100,000 with one Gambian surety who shall swear into an affidavit with a valuable national identity card”, Magistrate I. Jallow Nahra ordered.”

 The matter was adjourned to 6th July 2023 at noon for a hearing.