Yadalieu English Arabic School holds Islamic Fundraising Conference

By Binta Jaiteh

Muhammed Yadalieu English Arabic School (MYEAS) over the weekend held an Islamic Fundraising Conference for the school.

The fundraising conference was meant to seek assistance from well-wishers, NGOs, philanthropists, and the government to enable the school management to build additional classrooms for its lower, upper basic, and general infrastructural development of the school. 

Speaking at the conference held at Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Centre, Bijilo, Haja Maimuna Yadalieu Savage, the proprietress of MYEAS said the support will be used to strengthen the Islamic education in the country, with the significance of spending in Islam. 

She thanked the government for all the support and encouragement they gave the school and the management while she thanked her family, friends, and neighbours for their numerous support, too, to the school which has helped the school grow from strength to strength.

To help the school to achieve its noble goal which is to construct additional three or more classrooms, there is a need for financial assistance to cater for both lower and upper basic schools.

However, “I would like to call and appeal to all good Muslims and parents who have chosen our school, despite the challenges, to assist us in kind or cash, as we appreciate all your efforts,” Haja Maimuna Savage appealed to everyone. 

Baboucarr O Joof, representative of the President of The Gambia at the conference said Education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool for social and economic empowerment. 

He stated that it is through education that minds are nourished, opportunities are turned into tangible gains, and societies are positively transformed. 

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him) emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge throughout His life, highlighting that knowledge is a light that illuminates our path,” he while quoted that “Athelibul elmy, fareedatun alla kulli Muslimin wa Muslima” and fee riwaayaa. Or, in another version, “walawbi sheen” and yet in another tradition, “minal Mahdi, illallahdi”. 

In the first one, he emphasized that gender neutrality calls on parents to educate both genders. When he said “seek knowledge even if it is China, the emphasis was on mankind endeavoring to know that no matter the distance to centers of knowledge. 

He said in the third one, the prophet (SAWS) was simply telling people that knowledge-seeking should be a life’s journey. Meaning Muslims must continue to learn as long as they are alive. The Government of the Gambia recognizing this fact, introduced free education for all in the public schools and allocated a subsidy to some private schools to make education affordable to the average Gambia family. “To complement these efforts government increased the budget allocation for education from 14% in 2022 to 17.4% in 2023,” he stated. 

He, therefore, urged everyone to embrace this opportunity to make a difference, saying “Let’s unite under the banner of education, inspired by the teachings of our faith, and motivated by the love and concern we hold for humanity which is the sunnah of our beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him). With your support, a brighter future awaits The Gambia, where no child is left behind, and quality education becomes a reality for all.”

Mrs Binta Sidibeh, MYEAS board member also said Quran is the fundamental Pillar of Islam and “we want this school to go up to University level and I believe together we can achieve our goals.”  She added that the children are being taught in an Islamic way and also morality in them so “We need to inculcate Islam in our children because it will last forever.”