Anna Sanneh awaits sentence for stolen a 3-month-old baby

By Nicholas Bass

At Brikama Magistrates’ Court presided over by Magistrate Peter Adoh Che is where Anna Sanneh is currently awaiting her sentence after being convicted of stealing a 3-month-old baby.

In the court, Magistrate Peter Adoh Che recalled that the convict Anna Sanneh pleaded not guilty to stealing a 3-month-old child, noting that the convict, Anna Sanneh had a baby out of wedlock that resulted in frustration that made her give her biological child to a strange woman at Cow Junction in Serrekunda. 

However, ”The convict Anna Sanneh never thought of what the Boyfriend (name withheld) might say regarding his child that was given away to a strange woman. But when the father of the baby of the convict (Anna Sanneh ) requested for his child with threats of taking the matter of his missing child to the Police Station, Anna Sanneh went to Lamin Darankavillage and gave her D20 to an 11-year-old girl (name withheld) and told her (with deceit) to buy sour milk for her (Anna Sanneh) at the shop while she (convict) took the baby (child the girl was carrying from her) to her boyfriend at Kanilai village,” Magistrate Peter recalled in his judgment deliberation.

He also recalled that prosecutor ASP Buteh Sawaneh has proven the case beyond reasonable doubt and his (prosecutor Sawaneh) witnesses have convinced him (magistrate Peter) that the convict Anna Sanneh has stolen a 3-month-old child at Lamin Daranka village on the 1st May 2022 from an 11-year-old girl (name withheld) depriving her of her mother as shown in exhibit AS1 and AS2.

”An element of enticement with the view of depriving the child from seeing her mother, I hereby hold Anna Sannehguilty of stealing a child and I order for her detention at Mile Two Central Prison as she awaits her sentence on the next adjournment date”, magistrate Peter ordered.