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How About School Buses During Summer Break?

Schools have since shuttered their doors after the end of the academic year but some have apparently flung their doors wide open to students for either preparatory or remedial courses.

Currently, several schools in the Greater Banjul Area (GBA) are offering summer classes but many of those attending these classes are struggling with transport issues as school buses were taken off the roads albeit for now.

The withdrawal of school buses from the roads means parents or guardians of those students, attending summerclasses have to dig deeper into their pockets so that their children or ward will not miss out on these all-important summer lessons.

Since time has always remained one of the variables, affecting teachers’ ability to cover their syllabi within the timeline, it’s important for schools to roll out summer classes to enable their students or potential students to catch up.

However, multitudes of students are left stranded on roadsides almost every day as they attend these classes.

This situation does not only dampen the spirit of the students to fully take part in these summer lessons but it also eats fast into the pockets of parents and guardians.

The Voice, therefore, asks: How About School Buses During Summer Break?

GTS will earn the praise of guardians and parents if it should deploy one or two buses for those attending summer classes.

It’s something worth pondering over!

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