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NAM Saho Contends Lethal Shooting of Paramilitary Officers Not Unprecedented Security Threat

By Mustapha Jarju

The NAM for Central Baddibu, Sulayman Saho, has argued that the recent lethal shooting of paramilitary officers at SukutaTraffic Lights was not an unprecedented security threat as, according to him, The Gambia has been experiencing similar security situation for so long now. 

“People are saying this is the first time such happened in the country. I totally disagree because Gambia has been living in a security threat for so long,” the Lower Baddibu legislator said in Parliament on Thursday.

He hinted at the government’s Security Sector Reform (SSR) project which, he explained, is not progressing faster-than-expected.  To NAM Saho, the country should’ve, by now, registered a remarkable progress in its SSR journey to herald an era when the various state security outfits will be adequately resourced to efficiently and effectively execute their functions.

Turning to the military, legislator Saho queried whether the government has empowered the army to carry out its role of protecting the territorial integrity of the nation as well as lives and property.

“The army is for external protection but are we giving them what they need to protect us,” he asked.

NAM Saho reported to the legislature that the security at NyamaBantang lacked basic things like proper torchlight to inspect people coming in and out of the country. The security forces, he added, need to be well-resourced to help smoothen their work.  

“Honourable Speaker, I think it’s high time we had a serious discussion about our national security. The President is the head of the National Security Council and therefore, the President must come out and communicate to the Gambian people on the security of the country,” Saho underlined.

He called for holistic approach to national security issues.

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