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Faal Says UDP Should Apologise for Presenting Barrow to 2016 Coalition

By: Binta Jaiteh

Former Press Secretary of the Gambia Action Party (GAP), Sheikhna Faal, has said the United Democratic Party (UDP) should apologize to Gambians for presenting Adama Barrow to the coalition of opposition parties in 2016.

Reacting to President Barrow’s last weekend scathing attack on the UDP leader Lawyer Ousainou Darboe, Faal said: “UDP, as a political party, should apologize to Gambians for choosing Barrow in 2016.  It was one of the worst decisions they made as a party, and now the whole country is facing the consequences,” Faaltold this medium in an interview yesterday.

He contended that it’s evident the Barrowadministration has lost credibility and is now resorting to the politics of games.

Faal pointed out that some people support Barrow because of personal interest and the high rate of poverty in the country.

“He uses power to accuse people and he will not be forced to withdraw or be accountable for his actions. President Barrow is making a fool of us and we are so ignorant that nothing comes out of it. The citizens expect him to address the current economic hardship of the country and other concerns,” he stressed.

The erstwhile press secretary of GAP accused theBarrow government of being riddled with corruption and human rights violations.

He pointed out that Barrow’s attack on Darboe should be a cause for concern for every “conscious Gambian”.

“The blame goes to the people, who thought Barrow was more competent than all the presidential candidates. They are responsible for the mess we are facing as poor Gambians. He should think of life after the presidency. He will be accountable for his actions during his regime and it is high time he changed,” Faalstated.

“Let us expect anything from Barrow’s government. The attack on the media is an attack on our already fragile democracy and it should be condemned by everyone. I, therefore, urge patriotic citizens to see the interest and the future of the youth and vote Barrow out in the upcoming presidential elections since we’veendured a lot,” he advised.

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