MDI Transformation Committee Presents 

Report to MoHERST

By: Adama Nyang   

The committee tasked to transform the Management Development Institute (MDI) into a civil service college yesterday presented its recommendations to the Minister of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology (MoHERST).

The higher education minister Prof. Pierre Gomezwelcomed the recommendations of the committee,saying the initiative is geared towards a brighter and more progressive future by empowering the backbone of governance; the civil service.

Prof. Gomez pointed out that the initiative is not only about transforming the MDI but is also about equipping and building the capacity of civil servicewith the knowledge, skills, and values needed to drive The Gambia towards more social and economic development.

He, therefore, extolled the committee for their professionalism, willingness, quality service, and hard work towards the transformative agenda.

Chairperson of the Transformation Committee, Sulayman Samba, said: “The report has been tested for relevance by the most senior members of the committee and most experienced development expert in the committee (Mr. Alieu Ngum) and has also been tested by the editing perspective of Juka Jabang all because they want to present a good report.”

Mr. Samba pointed out that the committee worked according to the terms of reference provided to them by the Minister of Higher Education to ensure that

they are in line with the transformation of MDI to theGambia government’s policy.

According to him, the committee also consulted and dealt with the sector’s 2016 to 2030 policy on relevance and cherished plans and also dealt with the civil service reform all for the primary objective of the two pillars of the creation of a competent, professionaland results-oriented public service but also to make sure that there is access to relevant education by all.

“We thank the minister of higher education, research science and technology for entrusting us with the historical task of transforming MDI into a civil service college,” Chairman Samba acknowledged.

The Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Higher Education, Mr. Yusupha Ceesay, also expressed gratitude to the committee members for the “great work and the high level of professionalism they maintained during the process”.