NAM Thumbs Up Prexy Barrow for Smart Farming Project

Says Project Will Create More Jobs for Youth If… 

By: Nyima Sillah

The National Assembly Member (NAM) for NiaminaEast, Dawda Jeng, has extolled the foresight and vision of President Adama Barrow and the GGC in introducing the Smart Farming Project in The Gambia.

The Niamina East NAM is upbeat that the project will create more job opportunities for the Gambian youth if effectively implemented.

The National Food Processing and Marketing Corporation formerly known as the GGC is expected to implement the project next month some weeks after its launch by the Gambian leader at a colorful ceremony in Banjul. The much-anticipated project has filled many Gambians with hope, especially the farmers. 

“We all know that we are living in a fiber-optic age. The importance of technology and its related use cannot be over-emphasized. Smart farming is an agricultural technology introduced with the aim of increasing agricultural production and maximizingyields. It is also aimed at building resilience to climate change et cetera. If harnessed properly, smart farming can significantly create jobs and increase our GDP,” NAM Jeng said.

The Niamina East NAM pointed out that about 99% of his constituents are engaged in farming, expressingconfidence that they will take advantage of the project.

NAM Jeng also encouraged other Gambians to leverage the “life-changing” project.  

He reiterated that smart farming will undoubtedlyboost agricultural productivity in his constituency as well as move many youths out of unemployment within Niamina East and beyond.

“The youths, being the strength of the society, are therefore sincerely urged to make good use of the project as it will, no doubt, change lives by boosting income and eliminating food insecurity, which are some of the reasons why most people embark on the perilous journeys through the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean to Europe,” NAM Jeng stated.

He, therefore, expressed gratitude to the Gambian leader and the GCC’s management and board for bringing such a “magnificent” project to the doorstepsof Gambians.