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Sabally Says It Was Hustle for Jawara to Receive His Stipend

By: Nyima Sillah

The former budget manager at the Central Bank of The Gambia Momodou Sabally has said the late Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawarahad to go through a “hustle” before he could receive his monthly stipend.

Former President Yahya Jammeh in the early 2000s encouraged the late Gambian leader to return home from a self-imposed exile in the UK, where he fled following the fall of his government in 1994.

Mr. Jammeh said he had allocated a monthly stipend to the former statesman but according to Sabally, it was always a “hustle” for the late President to access this fund.

“As former budget director, I used to process the payments for the late Sir Dawda Jawara. I believe the amount was too small and there was too much hustle for him to receive it,” Sabally, who’s also the campaign manager for the UDP, said when contacted last week by The Voice for his reaction to the Former President Bill passed into law.

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