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Witness says Ousainou Confesses Killing PIU Officers

By Mama A. Touray

Mama Jabbi a business woman and marabout Tuesday told the Banjul High Court that the first accused Ousainou Bojang had confessed to her of killing two PIU officers with third one admitted hospital.

Appearing before Justice Ebrima Jaiteh as third prosecution witness Mama narrated how Bojangconfessed to her in Jululung of the alleged police shooting incident which took place on 12th September 2023 at Sukuta /Jabang Traffic Light.

The witness said Ousainou Bojang met her at her compound in Jululung on a Wednesday at 2pm two months ago. Mama explained that Ousainou Bojang left the Gambia and went to Jululung garage where he met the leader of the garage and told him that he needed help because something mistakenly happened and he was directed to her Mama Jabbi’s house.

Upon arrival, Mama said Ousainou alighted from the commercial motor cycle, and was quick to say that she was shocked upon seeing the accused Ousainou Bojang.

“I then told my friend that this man did something and that was when Ousainou told methat I need your help with an amulet and also fare to go to Zingchoror because I killed two police officers and the other one is admitted at the hospital” she told the court.

Jabbi told the court that Ousainou asked for water to perform ablution, and she gave him water and praying mat but he (Ousainou) sat on it and did not pray.

“He then told me help me my life has been destroyed and I asked him his name and address and he told me that his name is OusainouBojang and a resident of Brufut, then I took a picture of him and a recorded him. He said tome don’t take a video of me and I told him okay I will not’’ she said.

Mama further explained that Ousainou asked her to help him “but I told him that I could not help you because killing someone was at extreme.’’

I said to him wait for me then I left and called the Senegalese police and asked if they were aware of the murder that took place in Gambia, they said yes, they were aware of it and they asked me if I have his (Ousainou)’s picture and voice recorded. I responded that I have the picture and the audio with me then they asked me to share with them.

Jabbi said she was told by the Senegalese police to sit and wait for them but should not allow Ousainou to know that they were coming to her (Mama’s) house.

She added that they were seated when theSenegalese Police Officer came hand curvedOusainou’s hand and put him in a vehicle.

“After that I called Musa Camara in the Gambia who works at Gambia Revenue Authority, then I told him that the person who killed the police officers was here with me, Musa Camara told me to wait let him call the police. later after calling the police Musa called me and told me lets meet at Jiboro, upon my arrival at Jiboro, I met with the Gambian Police and Musa Camaraand returned back with them to Jululung” she informed the court.

She said upon their arrival at Jululung police station, she went and sat somewhere until when the Gambia police officers and Jululung officers finished talking, adding that the Senegalese Soldiers and the Gambia police officers together with Ousainou took a picture and put him in the Senegalese vehicle and took him to the border and the Gambia police took him from there and they continued to Gambia while she was inMusa Camara’s vehicle.

The matter was adjourned to 20th November 2023 at 10am for cross- examination of PW3Mama Jabbi.

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