TANGO Trains 30 of its Member Associations 

By Binta JaitehThe Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) Wednesday trained 30 of its member associations on Leadership and Organizational Management. 

The day-long training drawn participants from different institutions including some of its staffmembers.

During the opening ceremony, Mrs. Ndey SirengBakurin, the Executive Director of TANGO, noted that NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) play an essential role in the society and one of their strategic pillars of the program is capacity development, institutional building and resource development.

“Many of the challenges experienced by NGOs, and CSOs stem from an inadequate understanding of collaborative and effective management mechanism in various areas that can be minimized with appropriate training.’’

“We need to enhance the overall management and operational effectiveness of non-governmental and civil society organizations.
We are involved in shared leadership that cuts across the institutional and community fabric spectrum,” she added.

Therefore, she continues, there is need for recognition for organizational competencies within the NGO/CSO community – ‘’a combination of knowledge, skills, experience and commitment that will strengthen our resolve to manage our financial and human resource and our outreach endeavors more effectively,” she said.

Furthermore, she underscores the point that, NGOs and CSOs must demonstrate that their internal houses are also in order to be strong and effective partners.

“We need to enhance the overall management and operational effectiveness of non-governmental and civil society organizations.
We are involved in shared leadership that cuts across the institutional and community fabric spectrum. This means, among other things, that NGOs and CSOs must be seen as competent and worthy partners in the sharing of leadership and responsibilities.’’

Lamin Nyangado, a freelance consultant and the resource person for the training highlighted the importance of the training.

He called on the participants to embrace TANGO, as their organization and ensure that they do what they can, to strengthen the organization.

“This will enable participants to give their best in terms of their obligations to ensure that TANGO moves further.’’