By Philip Saine
On Saturday 9 December 2023, The Diocese of Banjul celebrated the 35th Annual pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Kunkujang. On the eve of the pilgrimage, the Catholic Diocesan Youth Committee held a ‘Walk’ that extended from Tanji Bridge to Kunkujang Mariama a distance of 8.1 km. The theme for the walk was ‘Journeying with Mary towards a Synodal Church’. It was a worthy activity because Mary deserved every walk to the Shrine
The 35th Annual pilgrimage was a prayerful all-day celebration that attracted an unmatched large crowd and was unique in many ways because of the following:
1. Fr John (Jackie) Sharpe CSSp, a renowned apostle of The Gambia, a giant evangelist and a principal Co-founder of the Shrine, appeared in person. He first arrived in The Gambia in the year 1965 and after completion of his missionary service returned home to Ireland in 2009. Some remembered him as a Priest, others a Teacher and still to others more as a Health Worker.
Fr. Sharpe travelled to The Gambia to witness the occasion.(He remarked passionately that his body is in Ireland but his soul is in The Gambia). Fr. Jackie Sharpe is eloquent in local languages namely: Wollof and Mandiago and is on record saying that he hopes to be buried in The Gambia and to have a traditional Mandiago funeral. (The Clare Champion ‘Bush priest on walkabout in Bodyke’ 7/7/2014)
2. His Excellency President Adama Barrow, in pursuance to his government’s continued support for religious co-existence, sent the Governor of West Coast Region to represent him in this event. The Governor presented a significant support contribution, from His Excellency, towards the Shrine’s development.
3. A Food Court was made available by a sub-committee of the Shrine committee and financed by various parishes and individuals.
4. The Shrine Committee announced the implementation of a masterplan for the development of the Shrine. This plan includes developing a Retreat Centre. The Shrine Committee also appealed to pilgrims inviting pledges for the procurement of building materials for the realization of the masterplan. Bishop Gabriel laid the foundation stone for a new hostel to accommodate more pilgrims to stay overnight on retreats and prayers.
In attendance on the occasion were several dignitaries that included: Rt. Reverend St. Arist Kodjo Baiden, Anglican Bishop of The Gambia, Reverend Gabriel Allen of the Methodist Mission, Ousman Jallow Bojang, Governor West Coast Regionand Prof. Pierre Gomez, Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology.

Since its inception in 1987, Kunkujang Mariama has undergone ambitious developmental work and has accomplished the erection of a perimeter fence wall enclosing the Shrine, Sanctuary, Pavilion and Hospitality facilities. The annual pilgrimage to the shrine has become a well-anticipated activity attracting people all throughout the Diocese of Banjul and beyond.
The 35 Annual Pilgrimage started with an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (O Salutaris Hostia), and then Stations of the Holy Cross (Yon U Krua Ba) and finally Celebration of the Holy Mass.
His Lordship, Bishop Gabriel Mendy CSSp was the Chief Celebrant for the Holy Mass and he gave a sermon to an unprecedented huge crowd of worshippers and distinguished guests.

In his Sermon, Bishop Gabriel highlighted the address to Mary by the Arch Angel Gabriel who assured her that she won God’s favor. God preserved Mary from original and actual sin from all ages. Another favor that Mary received was her Immaculate Conception, which was the reason for the annual pilgrimage to Kunkujang Luke Ch. 1 Vs 49.
God is Almighty and can do whatever He wants. Indeed God has shown his power to do great and exceptional things for some figures; He does the impossibilities for example:
1. Enoch never died Gen: 5: Vs 22-24
2. Moses died on the mountain in the presence of God who buried him. Nobody has seen the tomb of Moses Deuteronomy Ch. 34 Vs 5-6
3. God took Elijah the prophet alive into heaven. 2 Kings Ch.2 Vs 11-12
4. Lazarus, the poor man with sores, died and was taken to heaven Luke Ch. 16 Vs 19
When Adam and Eve sinned, Our Savior Jesus Christ had to come and according to Catholic teachings, Mary was the first human redeemed by the life and death of Jesus Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church No. 493). God redeemed Mary in a more exhorted manner. It may however be recalled that the repentant thief at the cross was taken to paradise when Christ promised- ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’.
Statement of St. Augustine a church Father, theologian and philosopher – Saint Augustine believed that God does not save a person who consciously and deliberately does not want to be saved. God does not save us against our will.
Man has the ability to make a choice – God created Man in His likeness and gave him the ability to make a choice. The only time Man had not the ability to make a choice was at his creation. God endowed us with the freedom and capacity to choose; it is a natural gift to humankind. God reveals His plan for us and allows us to choose and bear responsibility. Man chooses between Salvation and Condemnation. Therefore, Man has the ability to choose between Good & Evil, Peace & Violence, Life & Death, and between Love & Hatred. This freedom to choose, however, goes together with responsibility. God allows us to choose and bear responsibility.
Adam and Eve misused and abused the gift to choose and in addition failed to bear responsibility for their error of judgement/choice. Late Saint John Paul 11 echoed this in his statement where he said; ‘Freedom is not only the ability to choose but the power to do what do do’.
Freedom & Responsibility – The peace we may have is consequent to the choices we make and responsibility we assume. We are not free to do whatever with impunity; e.g., crime and spread of falsehood, lies, insults, carefree and recklessness, double standards and injustice. We need genuine peace for a harmonious coexistence.
Bishop Gabriel concluded in prayer:
● May God enable us to resist the evil one in the temptation to misuse our freedom
● May God enable us to use our freedom in accordance with His will/plan.
● May we have peace in our families, communities and in our country at large.
The Congregation Responded: Amen! Amen! Amen!
There after the worshipers moved on to the Shrine, that is located in a hallowed space and environment quite conducive for Christian meditation, spiritual growth and prayer. Earlier in the day, several priests were available for the sacrament of reconciliation. The believers thanked God for giving them another opportunity to perform this pilgrimage and, each with a lighted candle. entered into deep devotion honoring and praying to Mary. The serenity of the environment, bright lights and fragrance from the burning candles enhanced the prayers. The peace felt was beyond description.
Each year people have been gathering in this Shrine for worship, thanksgiving and honoring Mary. Many go to seek divine intervention and give testimonies for prayers answered in the previous year(s). The pilgrimage is increasing in popularity.
May the Shrine of Our Lady of Peace ever remain with us; Amen! ‘Tagas len Mariama Hek-bi Amul Gaka; Magal Len Turam Marie, Mariama’. ‘Mary, Help of Christians Pray for Us!’