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ChildFund Holds Youth Summit in Foni

By Kemo Kanyi

ChildFund, the Gambia has recently held a four-day youth engagement summit in Bwiam, Foni Kansala District, West Coast Region.

Addressing the forum, the Country Director for ChildFund, Musukuta Komma, said ChildFund working with National Youth Council and other youth organizations intends to establish a Youth Advisory Council, an entity that would comprise of young people who serve as an advisory or advocacy body to government and/or donor agencies to be led by youths. “This will provide you the opportunity to engage in policy advocacy and bring creative ideas to government and organizations to support their implementation for the benefit of all the youths. It would also enhance your participation in community leadership and guide you on how to learn directly from diverse youth on their experiences, needs and priorities,” She pointed out.
Ms. Komma, further revealed that ChildFund supported 454 youth attending tertiary institutions, including the University of The Gambia, in tuition fee payment during the last fiscal year. In the same period, it has supported the enrolment of 137 youth into TVET centres across the country. Today, hundreds of youths in The Gambia are successfully running their own businesses because of the skill training programs provided to them by ChildFund.

“These contributions towards youth development are implemented in partnership with Saama Kairo, Ding Ding Yiriwa and Foni Ding Ding Federations are annual programs for ChildFund. These are yearly implementation Programmes,” Ms. Komma affirmed.

She advised the youth to refrain from taking the perilous journey to Europe. Citing that they are dangerous and doesn’t guarantee anyone an automatic better life, including those that made it through the stormy desert and high seas.

Nfamara Dabo, ChildFund Program and Sponsorship Director, for his part mentioned that the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) will devise youth involvement into skill acquisition, incorporate youth voices, and help build their capabilities for self-reliance.
Outlining some of the aims of the YAC, Mr. Dabo said the council will seek a youth led council, consistency, and well-structured youth participatory engagement, facilitation of social and organizational engagement into youth matters, and a lot more.

Honorable Amie Colley, National Assembly Member (NAM) for Foni Berefet Constituency, said youth should be given influential positions to make decisions that will be relevant to development, but not that old ages who were in decisions making positions since the first regime. She called on the government to empower youth for the realization of positive nation-building.
“I advised you to do your utmost to avoid teenage pregnancy if you want to build an embracing legacy in the future. Early marriage is also an obstacle to many young girls to realize their dreams. I am urging all parents to allow their young girls to complete their dreamed educational carriers,” she added.

Honorable Musa Amul Nyassi, one of the founders of Foni Ding Ding Federation (FDDF), enjoined the youth to positively use the knowledge gained from the summit. He advised that youth should be cautious in selecting or electing the leadership for representation. “It should be given to someone who has the capability, not who comes from what background or who you know.”

Other speakers included Mr. Lamin Sanneh, representative of the National Youth Council, Edie Bah of the Foni Ding Ding Federation, who both expressed similar sentiments for youth development and nation-building.

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