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Wuli NAM Accuses Some NAMs of Favoritism, Bias

By: Binta Jaiteh

The NAM for Wuli East, Suwaibou Touray, has accused a section of the House of favoring the National People’s Party (NPP).

This, he added, led to the rejection of some crucial bills intended to serve the interests of the electorates.

NAM Touray came up with the accusation in arecent interview with this reporter. 

He explained that some important laws were enacted during the year 2023, adding that some laws could not pass because the House was divided and biased towards the ruling party that has the majority.

“The Former President’s Bill was passed in 2023 at the NA because the majority saw it as beneficial to them, particularly as a political weapon,’’ he said.

“It is my opinion that there are many inexperienced members, who are not free from party influences and have not been entirely free to decide based on personal conscience,’’ Touray opined.

He stated that observations have shown that many members have also learned quickly and may become more independent in decision-making as time goes on.

“Hopefully, 2024 may prove to be better for the Gambia’s National Assembly in terms of making laws and oversight functions,” he hoped.

The Wuli East representative pointed out that it would be difficult for the country to be developed if the majority were thinking on individual lines, especially the government as a whole. 

“I always say that Gambians are unhappy with both the political and economic situation of the country for years past and yet still, the government failed to address it while the circumstance keeps on getting worse,” he stressed. 

He stated that the government should try and prioritize the needs of the citizens. 

“Our authorities have neglected us, forgetting all the promises they made during the campaign.There is no sign of improvement and development in the country, which is very pathetic. However, if this continues, the people will continue to suffer and I, therefore, urge the lawmakers to try our best and fight for the interest of the citizens,’’ NAM Tourayemphasized.

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