Bring Back 2020 Draft Constitution, CPG Tells Lawmakers  

By Arret Jatta

The Coalition of Progressive Gambians (CPG), has raised concern over the rejection of the 2020 draft constitution and calls on the National Assembly to bring it back in its original form for consideration and to allow it go for a referendum.

It can be recalled that the 2020 draft constitution was rejected at the National Assembly after failing to secure enough votes despite spending 116 million dalasis of Gambian tax-payers money in the entire constitutional process. 

The Secretary General of CPG, Seedy Cham,stated in a press release that with the amount of money and time spent to draft the important national document, they urge the government to respect the people’s choice by bringing back the much-anticipated 2020 Draft Constitution and refer it to the citizens for a direct decision.

“It must be noted that the provisions of the 2020 draft constitution with the entrenched clauses on the appointment of the independent institutions such as Auditor General, Inspector General of Police, Office of the Ombudsman, Anti-corruption commission, Independent Electoral Commission and National Human Rights Commission by the President on the approval of the National Assembly, the election of the Speaker by the members of the National Assembly from outside the National Assembly in accordance with the standing orders of the Assembly, greatly enhances the functions of these institutions in the dispensation of their defined roles and responsibilities without fear or favour” he highlighted.

He stated that they believe the draft constitution is an important mechanism in reforming the system that has been used for decades and this will ensure credibility, respect and confidence of the citizenry towards the government.  

He highlighted that national interest must be given priority in the execution of their functions as an independent arm of government in the effective dispensation of the separation of powers. 

“Please be reminded that national interest must supersede party and individual interests at all times and must never be compromised as it undermines good and effective governance”.

Mr. Cham also stated that “the Coalition of Progressive Gambians will take all legal and, necessary measures or protests if amendments are made to change any provision or entrenched clause before a referendum”.