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Kandeh Wants Party Leaders Included in Meet-The People -Tour

By Kemo Kanyi 

The Gambia Democratic  Congress (GDC) leader  Mama Kandeh has called on President AdamaBarrow to make Meet-the People-Tour all-inclusive by inviting other political party leaders to be part of it so that it can be emulated by future leaders of the country. 

Leader of the opposition Gambia Democratic Party made the suggestion during the national dialogue. 

“Mr. President, your ‘Meet-The People-Tour’ is a constitutional requirement. Invite all political party leaders to take part in it.

It is not a political tour if all political party leaders are invited. The whole world will see that we are one people,” Kandeh suggested. 

Honourable Kandeh says the presence of all the political parties in the discussion signifies that everyone party will be ready to contribute its quotawhen it comes to national interest representation.

“This is the Gambia we want our future leaders to emulate. There can be no hatred between us here. There can be no war between us in gathering like this. Gambia can set an example for Africa. The size of our country does not matter here. No political leader wants to see this country in fire. We all want to lead this country, but we want to lead a better Gambia,” Kandeh remarked. 

He observes that the country has a lot of challenges that need to be discussed, but it is just not possible to have it within three or five minutes.

“Let’s create more room for ourselves as a nation, bring our ideas together to move this country forward,” Hon. Kandeh stated.

He urged the president to open up more dialogue in such a manner to outline national issues that need to be addressed.

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