Works Minister sends warning signal to Senegambia Bridge, vandals

By Yunus S Saliu

Vandals across the country have been warned by the Minister of Transport, Work, and Infrastructure to desist from acts of vandalism to government properties, especially to the built bridges and roads in the country, or else the police will arrest anyone found wanting of this offence.

The Minister of Transport, Work, and Infrastructure (MOTWI) currently on a nationwide site visit of all ongoing road projects under his Ministry emphasised that the damage is increasing by the days, “the damages were in different areas of this bridge (Senegambia Bridge). There are about seven or eight different spots observed and some of them are very serious”

Honourable Minister Ebrima Sillah was accompanied on this visit to the Senegambia bridge last Tuesday by senior officials of his Ministry, National Road Authority, and members of the press corp when he observed some damages that had been done to the guard rails of this bridge.

From the observation during the inspection, the Minister expressed that if those guard rails were not very strong some of the vehicles would have plunged into the river.

He, therefore, urged the police to arrest “those/drivers that are causing the damage or accidents, let them be arrested and pay for the damage they are causing to the bridges and roads. This will serve as a deterrent to other reckless drivers using the roads and bridges. Because we (the government) cannot continue in this way. The damage is unacceptable.”

However, Sulayman Sumareh Janneh, Deputy Managing Director for the National Road Authority (NRA), 

disclosed that NRA will quickly work with partners to repair the damages caused to those guard rails.