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Association of Gambian Manufacturers conveys AGM

By Yunus S Saliu

The Association of Gambian Manufacturers Saturday, 2nd March 2024 held its annual general meeting (AGM) at Senegambia Hotel, Kololi.

The members used the meeting which brought lots of manufacturers and representatives together while they later elected new executive members for the association. The meeting was also used to discuss some pertinent issues concerning the association.

Abdoullahi Jammeh, Deputy Permanent Secretary at MOTIE delivered a keynote address on behalf of Honourable BubacarrOusmaila Joof Minister of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment (MOTIE) at the AGM.

In his address, he appreciated the leadership and members of the association while speaking on the roles of the manufacturers in the economic development and prosperity of the nation.

He said the Ministry has enjoyed a long-standing and mutually beneficial relationship with the Association and its members, and “Since its establishment over a decade ago, we have worked collaboratively to promote our nation’s industrial growth and economic development.”

The Deputy Permanent Secretary enjoined them to reflect on the broader vision articulated in the national development plan. “This comprehensive blueprint outlines our collective aspiration and strategic priorities to propel The Gambia towards sustainable socio-economic development and prosperity,” he stated.

 He noted that the private sector is of significant importance to the country’s national development plan, serving as a fundamental element of sustainable development across all sectors of the economy, while fostering entrepreneurship investment, and innovation within this framework.

Also, noted that the manufacturing sector plays a big role as a driver of economic growth, job creation, and industrial transformation. 

However, he dilated on the constraints and challenges of the manufacturers, saying the Ministry is aware of the current constraints that the manufacturing sector is facing, and also the recent decline of the sector in recent years. 

This unfortunate trend, he said, has been exacerbated by various factors, including increasing cost of doing business, high taxes, and increased and increased cost of importing raw materials. 

Therefore, “as we reflect on these challenges, we work collaboratively to address the underlying issues and restore vital vitality to the manufacturing sector,” he expressed.

Mr. Jammeh on behalf of the Minister went on to say that the manufacturing sector in particular pools a significant potential to contribute to economic growth, technology, adoption, and uptake of innovative solutions and productive interventions that will revitalize our industrial base by adding value to our raw materials, including agricultural produce, and diversifying exports.”

Despite its immense potential, he said the government is well aware that the manufacturing sector in the Gambia faces numerous challenges that hinder its growth and competitiveness “Chief among these challenges, is the high cost of electricity charges, limited access to land for industrial purposes, and the inadequate infrastructure. These constraints not only impede the expansion and modernization of manufacturing enterprises but also erode our ability to compete in regional and international markets. 

Recognizing the gravity of these challenges, he reaffirmed the government’s unwavering commitment to address the challenges in separate phases in collaboration with stakeholders, including this important Association of Gambian Manufacturers. 

Meanwhile, Mr. M. Sillah gave a background and history of the establishment of the association while Mr Farimang Saho made a presentation that covered the key milestones, achievements, contributions of the association to the local manufacturing sector, the new generation of the manufacturers and others.

However, at the AGM Mr. Farimang Saho was elected a new Chairman of the association, Muhammed Sillah as the vice chairman, and Mr Hydara – as treasurer while six people were also elected as executive members.

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