W/Africa College of Surgeons Accredits EFSTH Radiology Department

CMD Jafari

By: Nyima Sillah

The Chief Medical Director (CMD) of the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), Dr. Ammar Al Jafari, has revealed that the radiology department of the country’s main referral hospital has been accredited by the West African College of Surgeons to roll out residency training for the first time in the hospital’s history.

The apparently elated CMD described theaccreditation as unprecedented and a milestonedevelopment for EFSTH and the entire nation.

He explained that the journey to have the radiology department accredited began a decade ago but the goal could not be realized as the department lacked the necessary equipment to meet the threshold for accreditation.

“No equipment was working. We could not get accreditation. Now, our equipment such as CT scan, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), aura sound, mammography and X-ray are working. Everything is working. We have doctors and nurses,” said Dr. Jafari in an interview with this medium.

He enthused that EFSTH can now start offering training programs for resident doctors at the radiology department. 

“This is a big achievement for the hospital,” the CMD added.

He disclosed that a team from the West African College of Surgeons last week came to EFSTH for a tour, adding that the team members inspected the X-ray unit, mammography unit, radiographer’s call room, ultrasound unit, MRI unit, staff office –HOD, seminar room, library, reporting room, resident call room, CT scan unit, and other imaging equipment in the hospital.

“I am elated. I am the first CMD, who got the radiology department accredited by the West Africa College of Surgeons. So, we can train resident doctors here in The Gambia, which will be an achievement for any CMD. If you don’t have all the equipment, the college will not give you accreditation. So, we fixed all the equipment and made them available. I am delighted and proud of this achievement,” Dr.Jafari stated.