MAN ordered to pay a fine of D25,000 or risk jail 

By Nicholas Bass 

 Principal Magistrate Anna O. Mendy of Brikama has recently convicted and sentenced one Sutay Bah, to a fine of D25,000 with a compensation of D143,000 in default to serve 4-year imprisonment.

 According to the particulars of offence, the convict Mr.  Bah on or about 16 November 2023 at Manduarrvillage   by false pretence and with intent to defraud, induced one Mariama Cessay to deliver to him (Bah) the sum of D170, 000.00 with the representation that he legally owned a plot of land situated at ManduarrVillage measuring 22.5m X 21m to sell.

Mr. Bah however, pleaded guilty to the charge and consequently he was convicted and sentenced by the court after the police prosecutor, SI Fadera also tendered a transfer of land ownership certificate and a cash of D27,000 as part of the sale price which was recovered from the alkalo of the village.

 The presiding magistrate in her deliberation recalled the effect of such crime in our communities which she said is alarming and a growing concern that needed to be addressed.

She pointed out that most of the Gambians especially youths venture into such wicked or evil attitude, noting that such people leave their victims with no properties fraudulently obtained from them.

”In light of the foregoing, this honourable court hereby, invoked its discretion provided under Sections 29 of the criminal Code and sentence the convict in the person of Sutay Bah to a fine of D25, 000.00 in default to serve two years’ imprisonment and a compensation of D143, 000.00 to the victim MariamaCessay in default to serve two years’ imprisonment which are to run consecutively,” Magistrate Mendy ruled. 

”All the sentences shall run consecutively’‘, magistrate Mendy said.

Magistrate Mendy further ordered that the recovered cash of D27, 000.00 to be restored to the victim Mariama Cessay with immediate effect.