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PW4 Testifies in alleged Health Officials Corruption Trial

By Nicholas Bass

The fourth prosecution witness yesterday disclosed that he withdrew over D1.6 million from Access Bank Gambia in the ongoing corruption case involving three top government Officials. 

Testifying before Justice Ebrima Jaiteh of the high court in Banjul, PW4 Muhammed Sissohor recalled he was given a double cheque for D500, 000 by the deputy manager of Global Fund, Lamin Jarju bearing the name of Access Bank Gambia to withdraw.

He testified that after he made the first and second withdrawals of over D 500,000, Mr. Jarju gave him D 20,000 on separate occasion.

 The witness further recalled that   he was phoned by the Deputy of Global Fund; Lamin Jarju to run a contract which was initially given to Senegalese whom Jarju alleged has absconded with contract monies without paying workers.

PW4 also told the court that Mr. Jarju gave him the third cheque amounting to over D 600,000 that bears the name of Access Bank Gambia but he questioned Jarju, why he could not make any withdrawal from the said bank.

It could be recalled that sometimes in 2018 and 2020 the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health,Muhammed Lamin Jaiteh, manager of Malaria Control Programme, Balla Kandeh and Omar Malleh Ceesay, the Executive Director of HePDO were charged with conspiracy to commit felony, official corruption, economic crimes, theft and forgery while the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health (MoH) Muhammed Lamin Jaiteh on a separate charge stands accused of disobedience of statutory duty.

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