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Police Officer Testifies in Fraud Trial

By Kemo Kanyi

In a case involving one, Mam Tutti Wadda resumed before Magistrate Fatou Darboe Jaguraga of the Brikama magistrates’ court recently.Mrs. Wadda allegedly obtained money by false pretense from one Mrs. Sainabou Jobarteh in the sum of D153, 560.00 with the pretext of helping her to get a scholarship in the United States of America.

Corporal 4862, Sirreh Fatty of the New Yundum Police Station secretariat and complaints centre, informed the court that she took Mam Tutti Wadda’s cautionary and voluntary statements in the presence of an independent witness, but informed the accused person of her intention prior to obtaining statements.

Couple Sirreh Fatty said after she later read the cautionary statement in the Mandinka language to the accused person, and they both signed. She added that the indictment was also read to the accused, and she accepted the charge then.Cadet ASP Ngum, representing the prosecution, asked the witness if she was going to recognize the statements when shown to her, and she replied in the positive.

Then at that stage, the cautionary and voluntary statements were shown to witness Fatty who confirmed that those were the statements she obtained from the accused person bearing her signature.Prosecution applied to tender both statements into evidence.

The court admitted the cautionary and voluntary statements in the absence of objection from the accused person.The matter was adjourned to the 17th and 22nd of April for the defense to react.

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