GSIC urges Muslims to Watch Out for a Crescent Moon Today

By Arret Jatta

As the end of the month of Ramadan getting to an end, the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) has issued a press release to inform the Muslim community to look out for the crescent moon at sunset today, 8th April. 

This year Ramadan fasting started on the 10th of March and with the expectation of fasting for 29 or 30 days. If the moon is seen on the 29th day of the Month of Ramadan, start the next month which is Shawwal but if the moon is not seen on the 29th day, and on the 30 days it was not seen due to clouds, then start the month even though the moon was not seen.

Meanwhile, in search of the crescent moon, according to the issued GSIC press release Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran ‘And cooperate in righteousness and piety,’   

“In line with the above Quranic verse and out of keenness to achieve unanimity among Muslims in truth, towards which every earnest Muslim strives, the Fatwa and Moon Sighting Committee of the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council (GSIC) hereby urges all Muslims to cooperate in the Sighting of the Crescent/Moon of SHAWWAAL 1445 HIJRI and to relay any information in this regard to members of the Committee and GSIC’s Regional Representatives.

“While seeking the cooperation of the entire Muslim Ummah in this regard, the Committee on behalf of the GSIC Executive urges information verification and substantiation before sharing the news.”

However, for more information, the Gambia Supreme Islamic Council will make an official announcement on the national and local Television stations at 8:15 pm tonight and other online media outlets.